Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Incident at Dore Moor

In the News: Prize Fighting and a Dastardly Deed

Dore has not always been the tranquil place we know today. An article from the Sheffield Independent newspaper of Saturday 8th January 1842 reveals a dark side.

Daring and Impudent Outrage

On Tuesday forenoon week a respectable young female while on her road to Dore, was stopped by seven ruffians, who demanded her money.

The girl was greatly terrified, and notwithstanding she was near several houses, the fellows had the audacity to turn up her outer garments and take away her pocket, but fortunately it only contained some copper coin. She had 20 shillings in silver, wrapped up in a handkerchief, twisted round her hand, which escaped the notice of the villains.

The men are supposed to be connected with a party of blackguards who had been witnessing a brutal prize fight, on Dore Moor, early in the morning, where several thousand were present.

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